Wednesday, May 26, 2021

UK Games Expo - Play Talisman Adventures RPG in Person!

 +++Breaking news+++

Part 2 of Nor Gloom of Night will be on its way very soon (who knew that even a very short solo adventure would actually take time to write?), but I had to post with a quick word to make a special announcement.

Events have gone live on the UK Games Expo site, including the opportunity to book to play in one of two sessions of Talisman Adventures RPG with your humble correspondent as GM. This means a much-anticipated opportunity to try out the game in actual real life!

So if you are going to attend UKGE at the Birmingham NEC on either Friday 30th July (at 9am!) or Saturday 31st July (for a more reasonable 3pm start), head straight over to the UKGE Events page and grab a seat at the Egg Hunt (or whatever I rename it as - suggestions for a better name very gratefully received) before they are all gone. EDIT: All seats are now gone, sorry!

Also, do yourself a favour and get a ticket to see Ian Livingstone GM a read-through of City of Thieves with Justin Robertson as player, and catch Mr Robertson's own cult Dark Room show - neither to be missed, and tickets this year are very limited (social distancing yadda yadda yadda). 

Ok, announcement over, you can go back to impatiently awaiting Part 2 of Nor Gloom of Night...

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