Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 FAQ #1 Hey, where is Chapter 3 of "Nor Gloom of Night"? Patience, Grasshopper. Chapter 3 will arrive shortly.

FAQ #2 Will it be worth the wait? Yes, obvs.

FAQ #3 Are there seats available to play Talisman Adventures RPG at UK Games Expo 2021? No, there are not, both events listed sold out. You were warned!

FAQ #4 When is the official Talisman Adventures RPG Errata and FAQ being published? As it just so happens, the FAQ is now up. Go here to download at DriveThruRPG, or get it straight from the Pegasus's mouth here

FAQ #5 What criteria are you applying to determine the F of Qs (or indeed the extent to which they are A)? Sorry, out of time - I have Chapter 3 of "Nor Gloom of Night" to finish. Please send further queries with a stamped addressed envelope, c/o Webmaster at the Thaumaturgical Workshop.

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