Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Gen Con Online 2021

This September Gen Con will be running both an in-person and an on-line event, and at the digital event I am running two sessions of  my introductory scenario for Talisman Adventures "The Dread Wyrm Egg Hunt". Keen followers of the Thaumaturgical Workshop will note that the full text of the adventure was posted on this blog a few weeks back (and is also available as a better-laid-out pdf kindly hosted at Talismanisland here) - so if you are thinking of signing up for the game, maybe don't read up and get spoilers. On the other hand, if you did read the adventure and couldn't make head nor tail of wot I wrote and would like to play in the hopes of getting some kind of a grip on how the adventure is intended to be run (and are prepared not to use any glimmerings of insider knowledge to the detriment of other players' enjoyment), by all means sign up.

The sessions each start at 2pm (East Coast Time, which I am counting on being 7pm UK) running to about 6pm, on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th September. 3 seats currently remaining for the Saturday game, all 5 seats still open for Sunday. Gen Con charge a modest $2 per ticket (less than the price of a cup of coffee, twice as invigorating, and guaranteed not to stain your teeth), and the game will be played over Discord - you just need a working microphone, and no prior experience of the game system is required.

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