Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Talisman Adventures at Airecon 2023!


The proliferation of mass attendance game conventions over the last 10 years has been one of the most visible and exciting products of the popular resurgence of all things 80s. And when it comes to 80s nostalgia, little matter if that be 1980s or the 1880s. Thus, when Spring arrives it is only natural to head to Harrogate, the elegant Yorkshire spa town where Airecon has rapidly established itself as the #2 gaming convention in the UK. (Yes, that was a stretch, but it inexplicably delights me that Airecon is in Harrogate).

I'm attending my first Airecon in March - and am bringing Talisman Adventures with me! I've managed to get six (count 'em!) sessions of the RPG accepted to offer for RPGers, which I am very much looking forward to running. This is the perfect opportunity for newcomers, the merely curious, or dyed-in-the-wool Talismaniacs, to get together round a table and play this most excellent RPG.

I'll be offering two sessions each of The Dread Wyrm Egg Hunt, Marauders of Wheppersnade Cove, and Death And Never-ending Glory In The Infamous Dungeon Of Inescapable Doom (D.A.N.G.I.T.I.D.O.I.D.). Gluttons for punishment might book to play multiple adventures and carry their character across all three! Any soul foolhardy enough to undertake such a mind-mangling endeavour will be well-advised to be sure to then book themselves a therapeutic submersion at the Turkish Baths or a table at Betty's Tea Room to recover afterwards.  

Booking now open!

Don't hesitate: Seats are certain to go fast! (Surely?)

(Image: Wise Red and Gold Dragon Fighting Knights in Victorian Harrogate, Open AI)

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Airecon 2023 Session Report Compendium

Session 1: The Marauders of Wheppersnade Cove (1st iteration) This was my opening session at Airecon, and the only game that hadn't sol...